The Art of Spiritual Healing ~ Find the Healer from With~In
Sessions Available:
Unity Field Healing (UFH) Sessions
Quantum Sound & Frequency Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls
Crystal Therapy, Spiritual Life Coaching, Mentorship Program
Private Group Sound Baths

Quantum Healing Sessions
Unity Field Healing with Quantum Frequency & Sound using Crystal Singing Bowls
Unity Field Healing is a unique energy-based healing modality that works through your DNA quantum field of energy. It is performed in a series of Energy "Attunements" or Sessions.
UFH is intended to facilitate physical, emotional, and mental transformation through re-calibration with your spiritual DNA system ("bio-spiritual" transformation.) This field of energy bridges your body and your whole field of energy bodies to your higher spiritual self. The work is supported by Sirian Light Beings identified as the Sirian Blue White Collective (SBWC).
- Session 1: Quantum DNA - Self Attunement This session is to consciously develop & strengthen a restorative link with you spiritual DNA blueprint. The energy works as a bridge and strengthen the alignment with your own quantum DNA axis and spiritual DNA blueprint.
- Session 2: Template Attunement: provides a personal attunement to the "UFH Template" through your quantum DNA. This provides the foundation needed to begin working more personally in Session 3.
- Session 3: Targeted Intentional Support: provides an energy session that is aligned with a specific “personal intention”. Its aim is to use the gift of Unity Field Healing to address specific issues that exist or arise in one’s life that need “healing” attention. The ‘personal intention’ may include physical, emotional, psychological, or relationship issues in terms of healing. It can also include topics of expansion of deeper personal healing and transformational journey. It is the way to communicate with the energy system for specific and personal issues that are unique to each person. It can be re-used any number of times to deeply support the intention, as well as to introduce a new intention as the foundation of the session!
After each attunement Crystal Bowls are played on the body to infuse the frequency and sound.
During the attunements, the Sirian Blue White Collective creates a stabilizing holographic energy field around you and infuses your Soul Matrix with Universal Light-Force. It allows you to reset from imbalance to balance and reinforce the new energetic points in your own grids. The Quantum patterning of soul energy facilitates greater change and conscious transformation. Your presence clears the way and your light in the new energy brings the divine within.
Each session should be 7 days apart to allow integrating the new energies and information. Each session begins with you and I having a conversation. Then we go into the energy session. Afterward, relevant information about the session may be shared. You are able to ask questions for more clarity and insight.
Meet Dr. John Ryan
Dr. John is a board-certified specialist physician, with a longstanding interest in spirituality, consciousness, and energy-based healing.
For over 20 years, he has participated in the emerging energy healing paradigm as an energy healing practitioner and counselor in support of personal transformation.
Kryon validated the visions and information that led to Dr. John's development of Unity Field Healing. His work today refers back to ancient days in Lemuria, during the time of Rejuvenation in the Healing Temple. Visit Kryon's website here to learn more about UFH's 24th strand of DNA.
Visit the official Unity Field Healing website
*All 3 sessions can be repeated again as the Quantum Field evolves and changes.*
Long distance session available on zoom.
60 to 80 minutes per session
Unity Field Healing Package for all 3 session cost $450.00 when book together
or $175 for individual session
Book your appointment today!
(480) 501-3435 or email: [email protected]
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Quantum Sound & Frequency Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls
Quantum Healing is working with you to Find the Healer from With-In yourself.
Connection with Spirit
Open your heart and mind to gain insights into your present situations and future opportunities. These powerful sessions will provide you with a new sense of clarity and guide you on your journey ahead. This process opens a spiritual door through which powerful, higher-frequency energies can flow.
Do you have trauma, sexual abuse, cancer, breast tumors, high blood pressure, anxiety, stress, epilepsy, seizures, low self-esteem, insomnia, depression, physical pain, issues with concentrating? Have you lost a loved one? Do you have blocked emotions? Anger?
Everything in our Universe is based on vibrations and energy, resonating with its own signature frequency. We truly are energy beings and the Crystal Singing Bowls work directly with this universal energy and channel it into the body to enliven our entire being. Experience the power and expansive energy of Crystal Singing Bowls to connect, to release and embrace. Sound Releases melatonin, Generates nitric oxide, and so much more
These frequency sound-focused treatment are designed to bring mind, body and spirit into balance, working with your higher self, your Innate by balancing your frequencies. High-frequency, gemstone-infused Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls™ are placed directly on your body, gently delivering deep resonance and profound healing frequencies to restore harmony.
With your treatment she will place Crystals & Flowers upon your body, working with the Angelic realms.
Long distance session available; zoom, Teams.
60 minutes
session cost: $175.00
Book your appointment today!
(480) 501-3435 or email: [email protected]

Select your personal Bowls
First 30 minutes is free
60 minutes session $175. applied to your new bowl purchase
Call Now
(480) 501-3435

Sound Bath ~ Concerts
A Sound Bath/concert is a unique and wonderful blend of frequencies &
sound and transformative quantum healing happens.
Your personal sensory experience in which participants are awash in sound frequencies produced by singing bowls, voice and other sound tools. Labyrinth Meditation Under The Stars. A Sacred Healing Ceremony.
An outdoor meditation session to let you connect with nature.
Celebrate with Mother Earth walk the Labyrinth. We begin the Sacred Circle enjoying an Sound Bath with Crystal Bowls played by Brenda. A CRYSTAL SOUND BATH is an unforgettable sound experience for those who seek deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and introspection.
This is a 30-minute sonic healing session that consists of 7 alchemy crystal singing bowls played live, and the balance of the time to integrate the sound and relax. Each bowl is keyed to the energy centers or chakras of the body, where sound is nutrition for the nervous system. The results are waves of peace, heightened awareness, and relaxation of the mind and body.
After the Sound Bath we will then pass the talking stick so that each voice is heard.
- What are you releasing?
- What are you calling in to your reality?
- What are you seeking?
There is a live fire, we will then place all in the fire using telepathy to communicate with the Universe to release into the fire.
Then we will experience a beautiful meditation with Brenda taken you on a sacred journey to the other side of the Vail connecting you with your higher-self!
We will then we end with a celebration offerings from the hosts, and much more.
Private Group Sound Baths in Arizona
By Special Arrangement
Book your appointment today!
(480) 501-3435 or email: [email protected]

Grace, Love and joy
You are so much more, have a blessed day!
Balancing your Energies, your Heart, your Physical body, your Emotional system, your Mental & your Spiritual body with Love
Brenda is an Intuitive healer, who specialized in healing work, Sound Therapy and a Spiritual Community.